Partnership Program

Partnership Program

Earn money using what you love.

Earn money using what you love.

Create and share content about Saturation and earn 50% of every subscription you bring in.

Create and share content about Saturation and earn 50% of every subscription you bring in.

How it works

How it works


Sign up for our Affiliate Program and receive your personalized referral link instantly.

Sign up for our Affiliate Program and receive your personalized referral link instantly.


Share your link with your audience through your website, blog, social media, or email campaigns.


Enjoy 50% recurring commissions, paid monthly, for up to a year on every subscription you bring in.

Ways to share

Ways to share


Create tutorials or reviews that spotlight in action. Be sure to include your affiliate link in the video description to maximize your earnings.

Create tutorials or reviews that spotlight in action. Be sure to include your affiliate link in the video description to maximize your earnings.

Create tutorials or reviews that spotlight in action. Be sure to include your affiliate link in the video description to maximize your earnings.


Spread the word on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, or Medium. Use your affiliate link in posts or in your bio to connect your followers directly to


Add a "Produced with" badge to your site or write a blog post about your experience. Include your affiliate link.


Discuss on your podcast or as a guest on others. Mention your affiliate link in the show notes.

Discuss on your podcast or as a guest on others. Mention your link in the show notes.

Saturation Assets

Access our official brand materials to help promote Find logos, color palettes, typography guidelines, and more on our brand page.

Access our official brand materials to help promote Find logos, color palettes, typography guidelines, and more on our brand page.

Frequently asked questions

Can I run paid or unsolicited ads to

How and when do I get paid?

Does it count as a referral when a new user joins an existing team workspace?

How long is your cookie window?

How do I track my referrals and earnings?

Frequently asked questions

Can I run paid or unsolicited ads to

How and when do I get paid?

Does it count as a referral when a new user joins an existing team workspace?

How long is your cookie window?

How do I track my referrals and earnings?

Frequently asked questions

Can I run paid or unsolicited ads to

How and when do I get paid?

Does it count as a referral when a new user joins an existing team workspace?

How long is your cookie window?

How do I track my referrals and earnings?

Ready to start earning?

Ready to start earning?