The Glass House (2001)
"The Glass House" (2001) is a psychological thriller that follows the harrowing journey of a young girl named Ruby, played by Leelee Sobieski. After the tragic death of her parents, Ruby and her younger brother, Rhett, are taken in by their wealthy and seemingly benevolent guardians, the Glass family. However, the luxurious home they now inhabit quickly reveals itself to be a gilded cage, as Ruby uncovers dark secrets about her new guardians, portrayed by Diane Lane and Stellan Skarsgård. As Ruby navigates the treacherous waters of manipulation and deceit, she must summon all her courage and resourcefulness to protect herself and her brother from the sinister intentions lurking behind the Glass family's facade. Tension escalates as Ruby races against time to escape the clutches of her captors, leading to a gripping climax that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
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