"Sleepers" is a gripping drama that explores the themes of friendship, trauma, and the quest for justice. Set in the 1960s, the story follows four childhood friends—Lorenzo, Michael, John, and Tommy—who grow up in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City. Their carefree youth takes a dark turn when a prank goes horribly wrong, leading to their wrongful conviction and subsequent placement in a juvenile detention center.
During their time in the facility, the boys endure horrific abuse at the hands of the guards, which leaves lasting scars on their lives. Years later, as adults, they struggle to cope with the trauma of their past. When one of the friends, now a successful writer, learns that one of their former abusers is still active in the community, the group decides to take matters into their own hands.
The film intricately weaves together themes of revenge and redemption, culminating in a tense courtroom drama that forces the characters to confront their past and seek justice for the wrongs they suffered. "Sleepers" is a powerful exploration of the impact of childhood trauma and the bonds of friendship that endure through even the darkest of times.
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