Rush Hour 3 (2007)
"Rush Hour 3," released in 2007, continues the comedic adventures of LAPD Detective James Carter and Hong Kong Inspector Lee. This time, the duo finds themselves in Paris, where they must thwart a dangerous crime syndicate known as the Triads. The film kicks off with a high-stakes assassination attempt on a Chinese diplomat, leading Carter and Lee to uncover a plot that could have international ramifications. As they navigate the vibrant streets of Paris, the pair encounters a mix of colorful characters, including a beautiful French cab driver and a mysterious assassin. With their trademark blend of action and humor, Carter and Lee must rely on their unique partnership to save the day, all while delivering laugh-out-loud moments and thrilling fight sequences. The film culminates in a showdown that tests their skills and friendship, proving once again that no matter the location, their bond is unbreakable.
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