RocknRolla (2008)
"RocknRolla" (2008) is a British crime-comedy film directed by Guy Ritchie that weaves a tale of London's underworld. The story revolves around a group of small-time crooks who find themselves entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal after a wealthy Russian mobster enters the scene. When a valuable painting goes missing, various factions, including gangsters, con artists, and a rock band, scramble to get their hands on the lucrative prize.
At the center of the chaos is One Two, played by Gerard Butler, a streetwise hustler who navigates the treacherous landscape of crime while trying to keep his crew together. As alliances shift and double-crosses abound, the film showcases Ritchie's signature style, blending dark humor with fast-paced action. With a vibrant cast that includes Tom Hardy, Thandie Newton, and Mark Strong, "RocknRolla" delivers a thrilling ride through the gritty yet glamorous world of London's criminal elite.
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