Planet of the Apes (2001)
In the year 2029, astronaut Leo Davidson embarks on a mission aboard a space station orbiting Earth. During a routine test of an experimental spacecraft, he is unexpectedly pulled through a wormhole and crash-lands on a mysterious planet. This world is dominated by intelligent apes who have evolved to become the ruling species, while humans are treated as primitive beings. As Leo navigates this strange society, he encounters a group of human rebels and forms an alliance with a sympathetic chimpanzee named Ari. Together, they strive to challenge the oppressive regime of the apes, led by the ruthless General Thade. As Leo uncovers the truth about the planet's history and his own fate, he must confront the moral implications of his actions and find a way to escape before it's too late. The film explores themes of evolution, freedom, and the consequences of humanity's choices.
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