"Paycheck" is a science fiction thriller directed by John Woo, based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. The film follows Michael Jennings, a talented reverse engineer played by Ben Affleck, who is hired by a mysterious corporation to work on a top-secret project. After completing his work, Jennings undergoes a procedure that erases his memory of the project, leaving him with no recollection of the past three years.
Upon waking, he discovers that he has received a paycheck that is significantly less than he expected. Confused and pursued by assassins, Jennings must piece together the clues left behind in the form of seemingly random items he chose to keep before his memory wipe. As he races against time to uncover the truth, he realizes that his life is in danger and that the items he retained hold the key to his survival. The film explores themes of memory, identity, and the consequences of technology, culminating in a gripping narrative filled with twists and turns.
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