Kangaroo Jack
"Kangaroo Jack" is a 2003 family comedy that follows the misadventures of two childhood friends, Charlie Carbone and Louis Booker, who find themselves in a wild and unexpected situation. After a botched mob deal, the duo is tasked with delivering a bag of cash to a crime boss in Australia. However, their plans take a hilarious turn when a kangaroo named Jack steals the money and hops away. Determined to retrieve the cash and avoid the wrath of the mob, Charlie and Louis embark on a chaotic chase across the Australian outback. Along the way, they encounter quirky locals, stunning landscapes, and a series of comedic mishaps that test their friendship and resolve. With its blend of slapstick humor and heartwarming moments, "Kangaroo Jack" offers a lighthearted adventure that appeals to audiences of all ages.
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